Bug screens and sliding screen doors are usually cleaned by hand. Streakless Windows applies a wet soapy solution to your screens and scrubs them aggressively enough to dislodge dust and dirt, but softly enough not to cause undue pressure on the screen or it's corners (so as to prevent damage). All screens are then tapped on the ground to remove the dirt along with the soapy solution, unless they are too large to handle in this way. Any leftover solution is wiped clean with a towel so only the fresh clean screen mesh is visible.

GLASS SEALING (protects against calcium-deposits)

When removing calcium (hard-water deposits) from a window it requires chemicals in most cases, and those chemicals open the pores of the glass, allowing the minerals to be removed. If the glass is not sealed afterwards the pores of the glass are going to be susceptible to mineral deposits again, and you’ll be back where you started. Applying a glass sealant ensures the window will have a moisture barrier to keep the glass in better condition. Most sealants require re-application every 6-12 months.

SCREEN SEALING (UV-protection)

The intense Arizona sun causes the screen mesh on all types of window screens to fade, dry out and become brittle. Having your screens protected by a UV-inhibiting sealant is the best way to protect them and prolong their life, which means you save money in the long run. Sun screens (or Solar Screens), which are very common here in Tucson are so taut that dirt and dust can not be removed by hand-scrubbing, and in fact hardly can be removed even by pressure-washing them. The BEST way to clean them is using this same UV-inhibiting sealant, due to the emulsifying agents in the product. Your sun screens will look 100% better! (Just look at the before & after pic.)


Streakless Windows carries multiple sizes and colors of screen frame so as to accommodate "On-Site Screen Repair" as much as possible. However, some specialty types of screen frame (such as lip-screen) and some colors are not readily available here in Tucson. We make every effort possible to get the frame size and color exactly matching the rest of the screens on your home and will not install something that does not match unless you, the homeowner want it done that way. This means it may take extra time to order a specific type or color of screen frame (or sun-screen mesh if you are having sun screens repaired or built). All these details will be discussed with you when our team reaches your home.





Please believe me when I say you do NOT want to see what is on top of most people's planter ledges. "Out of sight, out of mind" is what I think must be the cause for this. That and "Ignorance is bliss". But the fact is while planter ledges are a pretty place to store and display some decorations and valuables, they are also often places children lose toys (that they shouldn't have been throwing in the first place, right?) and that large amounts of dust accumulate. You no doubt change out your AC filters to improve the air quality in your home, and most likely have your window screens cleaned once a year (which helps the same issue), but many people don't think about having their high ledges cleaned. Trust me, it's a good idea to think about it. And we've been doing it for clients for years, so we have the tools and the know how to do it for you, safely and effectively. Breathe easier (literally) knowing Streakless Windows is here to do everything we can to satisfy your needs and improve your family's well-being.


It's not one of those things you can't do for yourself, but too many people don't keep up on it. And unfortunately numerous house fires every year could be prevented if only the homeowners had thought to change out their smoke detector's batteries. Keeping this on a regular schedule is the best way to make sure your family is protected. If you are a very busy person and want to make sure this is getting done, please ask us to take care of it for you once a year, when we are there cleaning your windows. It's the least expensive action you can take to keep yourself, your family, and your home safe! And yes, some homes have really high ceilings where it's nearly impossible (or dangerous) for you to reach your smoke detectors. Think of this service as an Insurance, and just do it.

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