As President of Streakless Windows Inc. I'd like to tell you a little about myself. My name is Shawn White, I'm 30+ years old, and I've lived in Tucson since 1999. I am blessed to have a beautiful, devoted wife and four wonderful children. Jacob & Emma are twins and their older brothers Caleb and Grayson are 16 months apart although we are often asked if they too are twins. That happens when you have 4 kids in 4 years. I don't know how my amazing wife takes care of us all.
I started Streakless Window Washing as a sole-proprietorship back in 2002 and it quickly grew through one referral after another. I guess we were doing something right! I realized quickly that we were getting many new customers simply because I answered the phone and other window cleaners didn't. The fact that I treat all my clients with the utmost respect and I don't try to sell people services they don't need also helped. Clients felt so comfortable after meeting me that they often left me and my team in their homes alone, even on first appointments. It's great to know we exude such trustworthiness. When I started cleaning windows, I thought windows and screens was all there was to clean. But my clients felt I was so competent in those areas that I should learn to do other services for them as well. Ha ha. I acquiesced and began adding one new service after another. (For a complete list of our services see the "Services" page.) Streakless Windows Inc. continues to grow and refine our processes to work smarter and safer. "Pure water" is the surprising answer in both of these areas. Feel free to ask us about it. We LOVE explaining what we are doing better than other window cleaners out there, and how we're getting rid of the risks for you.
I look forward to meeting you and your family and showing you how Streakless Windows Inc. is consistently offering you "Better Service, Because We Care".
Shawn White